[美國代購] Netatmo NWA01-WW Wind Gauge 風速計 天氣觀測 for The Weather Station

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Measure wind with a Revolutionary Ultrasonic technology

Ultrasound = no inertia. Unlike the Mechanical wind gauges

Ultrasound = the best accuracy for wind direction

Receive alerts on your smartphone and track historical graphs on the app (smartphone, tablet or pc)

The NETATMO wind gauge only works with the NETATMO weather station, sold separately

Product Description

The first ultrasound wind gauge for your smartphone. Accurately measure wind's speed and direction with this revolutionary solution. NETATMO wind gauge has no moving parts and uses the latest in ultrasound technology. It is maintenance-free and produces extremely accurate measurements, especially reliable in case of gusts. You can configure how you want to be alerted if the wind reaches a certain speed. The NETATMO wind gauge only works with the NETATMO weather station, sold separately. Only one wind gauge can be connected to a NETATMO weather station.

Product Details

Product Dimensions: 3.4 x 3.4 x 4.3 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.3 pounds

Origin: China


Item model number: NWA01-WW

[美國代購] Netatmo NWA01-WW Wind Gauge 風速計 天氣觀測 for The Weather Station


[美國代購] Netatmo NWA01-WW Wind Gauge 風速計 天氣觀測 for The Weather Station開箱文,

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[美國代購] Netatmo NWA01-WW Wind Gauge 風速計 天氣觀測 for The Weather Station評比,

[美國代購] Netatmo NWA01-WW Wind Gauge 風速計 天氣觀測 for The Weather Station部落客推薦,

[美國代購] Netatmo NWA01-WW Wind Gauge 風速計 天氣觀測 for The Weather Station推薦,

[美國代購] Netatmo NWA01-WW Wind Gauge 風速計 天氣觀測 for The Weather Station推薦,

[美國代購] Netatmo NWA01-WW Wind Gauge 風速計 天氣觀測 for The Weather Station討論,

[美國代購] Netatmo NWA01-WW Wind Gauge 風速計 天氣觀測 for The Weather Station比較,


斯里蘭卡國會改選 前強人總統承認敗選


斯里蘭卡前強人總統拉賈帕克薩(Mahinda Rajapaksa)今天(18日)承認,他所屬的政黨「人民自由聯盟」(United People's Freedom Alliance)在國會改選中失利,但他將會以反對黨成員的身份參與國會活動。



拉賈帕克薩說,在2日本樂天購物網 jp2個區中,人民自由聯盟在8區獲勝,執政的統一國民黨(United National Party)則在11區勝出,這意味著人民自由聯盟輸掉了這次選舉。




斯里蘭卡國會原訂於2016年4月改選,但斯里蘭卡新任總統席瑞塞納(Maithripala Sirisena)為掃除拉賈帕克薩的影響力,以大刀闊斧地推行改革,因而在6月26日簽署解散國會的公報,提前進行改選。


[美國代購] Netatmo NWA01-WW Wind Gauge 風速計 天氣觀測 for The Weather Station那裡買,

[美國代購] Netatmo NWA01-WW Wind Gauge 風速計 天氣觀測 for The Weather Station價格,

[美國代購] Netatmo NWA01-WW Wind Gauge 風速計 天氣觀測 for The Weather Station特賣會,

[美國代購] Netatmo NWA01-WW Wind Gauge 風速計 天氣觀測 for The Weather Station


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